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A. Ownership Structure

A.1 Complete the following table on the company’s stock capital:

Indicate whether different types of shares exist with different rights associated:


A.2 List the direct and indirect holders of significant ownership interests in the company at the end of the financial year, excluding board members

Indicate the most significant movements in the shareholding structure of the company during the year:

Not applicable.

A.3 Complete the following tables on company board members that hold voting rights through company shares:


% total of voting rights held by board of directors    0.3274

Complete the following tables on members of the company’s Board of Directors that hold rights over company shares:

Not applicable.


A.4 Indicate, as the case may be, any family, business, contractual or corporate relationship between owners of significant shares, insofar as it is known to the company, unless if such bears little relevance to or arises from the ordinary trading or course of business:

A.5 Indicate, as the case may be, any commercial, contractual or corporate relationship between owners of significant shares on the one hand, and the company and/or its group on the other, unless such bears little relevance to or arises from the ordinary trading or course of business:

Not applicable.

A.6 Indicate whether the company was informed of any shareholders’ agreements affecting the company in accordance with Article 530 and 531 of the Spanish Corporations Act. If so, provide a brief description and list the shareholders bound by such agreement:



Specify whether the company is aware of the existence of any concerted actions among its shareholders. If so, provide a brief description:

Not applicable.

Specifically state any amendments to, or terminations of such accords or concerted actions during the year:


A.7 Indicate whether any individual or corporate body currently exercises, or could exercise control over the company pursuant to Article 4 of the Spanish Securities Market Act. If so, please identify:


Personal or Corporate Name.

Inversión Corporativa, I.C, S.A.


Inversión Corporativa, I.C, S.A. is the direct holder of 51.60 % of the stock capital of Abengoa, S.A. and an indirect holder of 6.19 % through its subsidiary, Finarpisa S.A. Inversión Corporativa, I.C, S.A. is bona fide owner of the 100 % shares of Finarpisa S.A.

A.8 Complete the following tables on the company’s treasury stock:

At year end:

(*) Held through:

Provide details of any significant changes during the year, in accordance with Royal Decree 1362/2007.


A.9 Provide details of the conditions set forth and the current periods given by the shareholders for the Board of Directors to issue, repurchase or transfer treasury stock.

The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 7 2013 authorized the Board of Directors to buy back the Company’s shares either directly or through its subsidiary or investee companies up to the maximum permitted by current laws at a rate set between one hundredth part of a Euro (€ 0.01) as a minimum and twenty Euros (€ 20) as maximum, with the specific power of substitution in any of its members. Said power shall remain in force for eighteen (18) months from this very date, subject to Article 144 and following of the Corporations Act.

For that purpose, the authorization conferred upon the Board of Directors for the same purposes, by virtue of the decision taken at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 1, 2012, was specifically revoked.

On November 19 2007, the company signed a Liquidity Agreement for Class A shares with Santander Investment Bolsa, S.V. In substitution of said Liquidity Agreement, on January 8 2013, the company signed another Liquidity Agreement for class A shares, pursuant to the conditions set forth in Circular 3/2007, of 19th December, of the CNMV.

On November 8 2012, the company signed a Liquidity Agreement for Class B shares, with Santander Investment Bolsa, S.V., pursuant to the conditions set forth in Circular 3/2007, of 19th December, of the CNMV.

On December 31, 2013, the balance of treasury stock amounted to 40,009,307

In relation to transactions performed over the year, the number of treasury shares acquired stood at 70,151,213 while treasury shares disposed of amounted to 44,823,573. The net operating result amounted to 25,327,640 shares.


A.10. Indicate whether there are any restrictions on the transferability of stocks and/or any restrictions on the voting rights. In particular, state whether there are any kinds of restrictions that could impede the complete takeover of the company through the acquisition of its shares on the market.


Description of the restrictions

A.11 Indicate whether the General Shareholders’ Meeting agreed to implement any neutralization measures to prevent public takeovers pursuant to the provisions of Act 6/2007.


A.12 Indicate whether the company has issued securities not negotiated on the community regulated market.
