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The growth of the population, the new patterns of consumption and the climate change pose a serious threat to the environment. Consequently, Abengoa seeks to harvest efficiency in its products and processes, ensuring that the sustainability policy of its businesses coincide with sustainability in the execution, all within a framework of respect for the environment and for the preservation of the natural resources.

Thus, Abengoa continuously analyses the risks and opportunities associated with climate change to improve its management and to refocus its businesses and, for that purpose, it takes all the necessary measures to ensure the adaptation of its activities to the planned changes.

The aforementioned analysis shows the main risks and opportunities considered as follows:


In 2011 Abengoa developed a methodology for analysing risks associated with climate change. Since then it has used the method to evaluate their impact on the businesses of the organization: water desalination, biofuel production, electricity generation, solar plants and transmission lines, among others.

Taking an average temperature rise of 2.4 ºC as premise 1, the company was able to determine the specific risks associated with each technology, their consequences, the probability of occurrence and the mitigation measures that may have to be taken.



Note 1  Considerable increase in scenario B2 of the Special Report of Emissions Scenarios (SRES), from the Inter- Governmental Panel of Climate Change Experts (IPCC).