Abengoa attaches enormous importance to the need for policies that help to forge lasting professional careers within the group. Throughout the various lines of business of the company, which operates in a highly competitive environment, the ability to attain its targets largely depends on the quality, working capacity, dedication and business know-how of the people who occupy key posts at the helm of the company.

It is precisely these premises that lie at the heart of the remuneration policy for the group in general and, in particular, for Board members, especially executive ones, in that the company must be able to attract and retain the very best in human capital.

With the foregoing in mind, the remuneration policy for directors is geared towards the following aims:

  • In the case of remuneration payable for performance of core duties stemming from Board membership, the remuneration must be sufficient to compensate the dedication, expertise and responsibility required to hold office.
  • When addressing the remuneration payable to executive directors for performance of their executive functions:
    • The overall remuneration package and the structure thereof must be competitive with other international companies and in line with our desired position of leadership.
    • There must be a variable annual component pegged to the attainment of specific and quantifiable targets that reflect the interests of shareholders.