True to Abengoa’s commitment to transparent management, good governance and best practices in terms of internal control and risk management, 2009 witnessed the start of a process of reviewing and updating Abengoa’s Risk Map, leading to a matrix that includes detailed information on all the main risks that could have a potential impact on the group’s different business concerns.
This “Universe of Abengoa Risks” is structured around four major risk areas (Strategic, Operational, Financial and Regulatory). Each of these is, in turn, divided into 20 different categories, which host a grand total of over 130 different risks.
For each of these risks, a range of mechanisms have been designed and developed to hedge against or mitigate them within the company.
The Abengoa Risk Map was created from a graphic representation of this Risk Universe and constitutes a living control tool that is updated periodically to ensure that it reflects corporate reality at all times.
We expect to wrap up this review and update process over the first few months of 2010.
Other challenges facing the company in 2010 stem from the process of implementing the new ERP (SAP) throughout the entire group. This requires us to tailor our internal control structure to the new IT requirements.