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Según datos facilitados por Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, en 2011 se negociaron un total de 164.806.136 acciones de la compañía, lo que representa una contratación media de 641.269 títulos diarios y un volumen medio de efectivo negociado de 12,3 M€ diarios.


The final listed price of Abengoa’s shares in 2011 was €16.400, which is a 10.7% decrease on the closing price for the previous year (€18.375). Minimum, maximum and average listed share prices in 2011 were €14.25 (October 5th), €24.13 (June 3rd) and €19.22, respectively.

As a historical reference, since Abengoa’s Initial Public Offering on November 29, 1996, the company’s share price has increased by 670% which is more than 7.7 times the initial price. During this same period, the select IBEX-35 has increased by 84%.