A summary of the Consolidated Cash Flow Statements of Abengoa for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 with the main variations per item, is given below:
- Net cash flows from operations reached €443 M, lower than previous year’s figure, mainly due to lower cash generated from working capital.
- In terms of net cash flows from investing activities, the most significant investments were in the construction of solar thermal plants in Spain, US and South Africa; and in the construction of desalination plants in Algeria and China, transmission line concessions in Brazil and Peru, the cogeneration plant in Mexico, and the second generation bioenergy plant in Hugoton (US). Regarding disposals, it is worth noting the cash generated by the sale of transmission lines in Brazil for €354 M.
- In terms of net cash flows from financing activities, it is worth noting that the Group managed to arrange financing for €1,998 M, taking the figure for net cash flows from financing activities to €1,684 M.