Abengoa, S.A. and its subsidiaries have complied with all legal requirements regarding companies and treasury stock (see Note 10.1 of this report).
The parent company has not pledged its shares in any type of mercantile transaction or legal business, nor are any bengoa, S.A. shares held by third parties which could act on its behalf or on behalf of group companies.
Certain companies within the Group are contracted into share-based incentive schemes with managers and employees. These schemes are linked to achieving management objectives in the coming years. Additionally, Abengoa, S.A. has a Share Purchase Plan for managers of the Group, approved by both the Board of Directors and the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 16 October 2005.
Finally, it should be noted that potential reciprocal shareholdings established with Group companies are temporary and comply with the requirements of the consolidated text of the Spanish Capital Companies Act.
For further information see Note 2.17 of the Consolidated Financial Statements.