To correctly measure and value the business and the results obtained by Abengoa, it is necessary to draw out the business trends from the consolidated figures.
In addition to the accounting information, as provided within the financial accounts and within this management report, Abengoa also publishes an “Annual Report” which sets out the key events of 2012. This report is available in Spanish, English and French. The Annual Report, which is published prior to the Shareholders’ Meeting at which the financial statements of 2012 will be approved, includes not only the consolidated accounts of Abengoa, as well as the strategic objectives of the business and the key events of the three Business Units into which Abengoa is structured as of 31 December 2012.
The annual report is available on the company’s website at
The requirement to provide the market with information which is useful, truthful, complete, comparable and up-to-date would not be of such value to the user if the means of communicating such information were insufficient, as it would result in such information not being as effective, timely and useful. As such, the Aldama Report, the Financial System Reform Law and the Transparency Law recommend and enforce, in the light of recent technologies, the use of a website by listed companies as an information tool (including historical, qualitative and quantitative data on the company) and a means of disseminating information (on a timely or real-time basis, making such information available to investors).
Abengoa has a website, which was recently renewed and updated, that features far-reaching and comprehensive content, including information and documentation made available to the public and, in particular to shareholders. This website offers periodic information (quarterly and half-yearly) as well as other relevant information and facts upon which it is mandatory that Abengoa report to the CNMV to comply with the rules of the stock exchange. Through this website, it is also possible to request a copy of the Annual Report.