Abengoa is a listed company, with share capital totaling 90,143,938.83 €1, represented by 538,062,690 fully subscribed and paid-up shares belonging to two different classes2:

  • 85,619,507 shares belonging to Class A, each with a par value of 1 € and each conferring one hundred votes as common company stock.
  • 452,443,183 shares belonging to Class B, each with a par value of 0.01 € and each conferring one vote as shares with privileged economic rights attached, as established under Article 8 of the company bylaws.

For the eighth consecutive year, in 2012 the gross dividend paid out by the company to its shareholders rose, this time totaling 0.35 € per share.

For purposes of historical reference, since Abengoa began trading shares on the stock market on November 29, 1996, the company’s stock has appreciated by 425 %. Over this same period of time the selective Ibex 35 index has appreciated by 84 %.

Note 1: The last Abengoa share capital modification date took place on December 26, 2012.

Note 2: Class A and Class B shares are admitted for official trading on the Madrid and Barcelona Stock Exchanges and on the Spanish Stock Exchange Interconnection System (Continuous Market). Class A shares have been admitted for trading since November 29, 1996, while Class B shares have been admitted for trading since October 25, 2012.