Integrated Sustainability Management System

Abengoa’s commitment to sustainability is a priority in all of its actions. Therefore, the company endeavors to reduce the impact of its business with the help of an integrated sustainability management system that makes it possible for the organization to measure and compare the footprint of its activities and set improvement targets.

The Integrated Sustainability Management System (ISMS) is made up of the CSR Management System, which covers the indicators listed in the GRI 3.1 guidelines, those designed under the Strategic Plan, those extracted from the Procedure on Relevant Matters1, and those comprising the Responsible Management Balance Sheet; the GHG Inventory; and the Environmental Sustainability Indicators (ESI).

El objetivo de este sistema es obtener datos consolidados y fiables relativos a indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos relevantes en materia de sostenibilidad, para su adecuada gestión y para que les sean comunicados de una forma transparente a los grupos de interés de la compañía.

The purpose of this system is to obtain reliable consolidated data on relevant CSR-related quantitative and qualitative indicators in order to manage the data appropriately and disclose the information in a transparent fashion to company stakeholders.


The ISMS takes the form of a computer application that takes in all of the information related to the system indicators and enables reliable information to be gathered in real time, which helps to improve company management and decision-making, while rapidly detecting potential risks to be mitigated and improvement areas on which to focus efforts.




1. More information on the Procedure on Relevant Matters in the chapter titled Report Preparation Process.