By means of the Integrated Sustainability Management System (ISMS) featuring capture and computation instruments that enable us to obtain reliable and consistent real-time data, and through a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators, Abengoa gains knowledge on the environmental, social and economic impact of company activity in the areas in which the company operates. This facilitates daily management of sustainability-related information by simplifying the process of gathering and documenting reliable information, in turn facilitating data review and consolidation.

The system relies on the indicators listed in Guide v.3.1 of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory, the Environmental Sustainability Indicators (ESI), and any other indicator devised to measure the company’s performance in the working areas specified under the Strategic Plan, on the Responsible Management Balance Sheet, or the indicators extracted from the relevant issues procedure.

The purpose of this system is to obtain reliable consolidated data on relevant CSR-related quantitative and qualitative indicators in order to manage the data appropriately and disclose the information in a transparent fashion to company stakeholders.

Information reliability requires systematic consistency in the consolidated data, and that data be traceable or reconstructible, accurate and complete in identifying and taking data sources into consideration. Accordingly, Abengoa has effective internal control mechanisms in place to help prevent, detect and rectify significant errors in the data reported. All information systems from which the indicators included in this report are obtained underwent rigorous processes of internal and external control, supervision, and auditing.

In 2009 Abengoa set up a specific sustainability auditing area, which has been in charge since then of performing ongoing and periodic internal controls to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of Abengoa’s sustainability information.

The ISMS is therefore audited internally on a regular basis at all levels in order to guarantee the reliability of the information contained in the system. In 2011 the following internal auditing, review and control procedures were performed:

  • Corporate audits (on CSR, the Greenhouse Gas Inventory, and system implementation).
  • Control and monitoring visits (quality, environment, prevention, inventory, LSR and CSR).
  • Audits conducted at business group-level.
  • Review and control performed at company-level.

As an independent external verifier, the firm PwC reviewed the report in order to check application of the AA1000 Assurance Standard (2008) and Version 3 of the Global Reporting Initiative Guide (GRI G3), according to the Level A requirements. The review was conducted with a reasonable degree of assurance for all principal and additional indicators reported, for which sufficient proof was obtained to reduce the risk of material error to an acceptably low level. The verification report outlines the scope of the work conducted, as well as the conclusions reached. The methodology followed for the review process was defined according to the stipulations of the ISAE 3000 standard..

PwC likewise reviewed the extent to which the Corporate Social Responsibility Management System devised by Abengoa reflects the orientations and recommendations defined under the international ISO 26000:2010 standard, reviewing implementation within the group companies of certain relevant aspects: Code of Conduct, whistleblower channel, social responsibility covenants with suppliers, quality and environmental management systems, Equality Plan.

During 2011, the Greenhouse Gas Inventory was verified in accordance with the specific requirements laid down in section 7.3 of ISO 14064-1. The report was verified through a systematic and independent process duly documented by Aenor, which provided a reasonable degree of assurance.

The report was also reviewed in its entirety by the Global Reporting Initiative and by Abengoa management, and received a grade of A+.