Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Since the introduction of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Abengoa requires all of its suppliers to report the emissions associated with the products and services acquired by the company (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting System Implementation Agreement), and therefore suppliers have the obligation to provide information on the emissions linked to every order placed by the company.

In order to facilitate adaptation of all providers to these purchasing requirements, there is a transition period in which suppliers undertake in writing to implement an emissions reporting system. This transition period has a maximum duration of six months, after which Abengoa providers that have not provided data on their emissions or who have not expressed their commitment to implementing a reporting system are excluded as Abengoa suppliers. Only in exceptional cases may special authorization be granted, in which case the companies affected must carry out an estimation of the emissions derived from the product or service provided.

Supplier Social Responsibility Code

To guarantee the integrity of those who may influence company activities, Abengoa requires all suppliers to adhere to the Social Responsibility Code (SRC) for Suppliers and Subcontractors, which includes 11 clauses based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and inspired by the international SA 8000 standard.

Abengoa requires its providers to ratify the (SRC) as a way of promoting observance of and compliance with social and environmental regulations.

In 2010 suppliers signed 2,406 agreements with Abengoa companies, and in 2011 the total was 2,368. This amounts to a total of 14,216 agreements since the measure was introduced.