Customer Certification and Endorsement

The company has certain customers, chiefly those with a significant invoicing volume, that require their own certification or endorsement in order to work with them.

These companies include the following:

Industrial Engineering and Construction

ADDC (Abu Dhabi Distribution Company), Adif, BP, Canal de Isabel II, Cepsa, CLH, DGAM, EDF (France Rail), EDP, Edison, Gas Natural, Enagás, Endesa, EMT, E-On, Epal, Euskotren, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Ferrocarril de Sóller, FGV, General Dynamics – Santa Barbara Sistemas, Generalitat de Catalunya, Grupo Agbar, HC Energía, Huawei, Iberdrola, Metro Bilbao, Metro de Madrid, Metro Málaga, Metro de Tenerife, Metro Valencia, Mintra Comunidad de Madrid, Navantia, Powerlink Queensland, Propietarios de Centrales Nucleares, REE, REN (Red Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.), REPS, Repsol, RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Électricité), TMB, Transco, Tussam, SEC (Saudi Electricity Company), and Unión Fenosa. 

Environmental Services
BP, Cepsa, Disa, Galp, Glaxo, Lilly, Petronor, Repsol, Sanofi Aventis, Siclar, and YPF SA..


Teyma: Customer Satisfaction

One of Abengoa’s main objectives is to ascertain and meet the expectations of its current customers in order to lend continuity to a quality commercial relationship. In order to achieve this, mechanisms are established and periodically adjusted to increase their effectiveness.

These procedures make up a diversified information system that enables the company to compare documentation from different sources in order to verify consistency.

Customer Satisfaction Survey upon Project or Service Completion (CSAPC indicator): once each project has been completed, the customer receives the “Customer Satisfaction Survey upon Project or Service Completion”. Here, through a form covering different aspects related to management, a detailed and standardized evaluation of Teyma is requested.

It also allows customers to prioritize aspects they consider to be of most importance in executing the project, and to rank them in order of importance according to their own criteria. In addition, a request is made for an overall assessment of project execution, as well as suggestions for improvement. These surveys are then submitted to the Management Systems Department, which is charged with processing results and passing on periodic reports to the Quality and Management Committee. The form also covers information on customer expectations and company performance.

 Overall Customer Satisfaction Survey: A consulting firm conducts personal interviews with customer representatives in different roles and hierarchical levels every two years, the aim being to gauge those values that customers value highly, including customer needs, expectations and the perception they have of Teyma companies. This survey yields a more global long-term overview than the previous one, as responses are less influenced by circumstantial successes or problems. The consulting firm presents the final analysis before the Quality and Management Committee, which then discloses the results down through the company.

The table below shows the evolution in global external customer satisfaction with Teyma Construction measured via Overall Customer Satisfaction Surveys from 1998 to 2008. The surveys were conducted, respectively, by the independent consulting firms Cifra, AG&A, and Multimedios CEOP.


In each case, Teyma submitted to the consulting firm a complete list of customers with which the company had worked during the previous three years (between 100 and 200 people), from which the consulting firm came up with a sample of around 50 contacts to be interviewed personally. The most recent data corresponds to a survey conducted in mid-2008, as the 2010 survey is currently being processed.

In the last three surveys, between 78 % and 90 % of the customers were either satisfied or highly satisfied with the results of the work performed, while only between 0 % and 6 % expressed any degree of dissatisfaction. In the most recent survey, one can observe a certain deterioration with respect to the two previous years, which, once analyzed, has been determined to be due to the migration of qualified Teyma Construction personnel to major Teyma Spain and Teyma International projects.

In turn, the CSAPC, prepared based on the results of the “Customer Satisfaction Surveys upon Project or Service Completion”, also indicate a highly favorable trend over the years.




Telvent: Safety and Security Measures for Traffic Controllers

Telvent provides traffic signal regulation and control systems that offer cities the possibility to improve traffic flow, reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, and take a further step forwards towards smart mobility.

Telvent’s range of traffic signal controllers is widely respected for its operational security and dependability. They serve a critical function in regulating urban traffic, and operate on a continuous basis from the time they are installed. There must therefore be no control malfunctions and they must have the capability to detect anomalies in order to prevent traffic flow conflicts.


With the aim of ensuring that Telvent traffic signal controllers meet all of these requirements, during the design phase all requirements are assured and verified in authorized laboratories in accordance with prevailing regulations. Controllers are checked during the manufacturing phase, and later quality is verified at the installations through daily operation. Different types of trials are conducted for all equipment and systems at the end of the manufacturing process, along with electrical and functional testing.

To ensure operational security, each controller features a supervisory unit, which is separate from the control unit, to monitor the state of the circuits that regulate red, amber and green lights at stoplight-regulated intersections. To prevent potentially dangerous situations (incompatible green lights or no red light), and in the event of any type of malfunction, the equipment must switch to safety state (flashing amber) in under 500 msec, as specified under Spanish standard UNE EN 12675.

Traffic signal controllers have been tested in authorized laboratories in accordance with the “Road Traffic Signal Equipment - Traffic signal controllers” standard (UNE 135401). This ensures compliance with electromagnetic compatibility (UNE EN 50293), electrical and environmental security (UNE HD 638) and operational security (UNE EN 12675) standards. Testing is also conducted at all times on proper system functioning in the event of external disturbances (environmental effects or those generated by other equipment) in order to ensure user safety.
